Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Lucille said...

That is the most amazingly perfect nest of eggs.
Are they robin's eggs? I hope not abandoned.

Fred & Leon said...

Hey Will,
Can you check this link to see if it's the same "Stoney Lonesome" that you are learning? And if it is, can you let me know? v=XcSKS3bknXg



P.S. Great picture! :)

Fred & Leon said...

Beautiful, Will!!!

Aunt Dorene

Kat said...

Oh my word!These are so lovely.
I can't believe you found such a thing. Well, I guess I can believe that you would find such a thing. Thank you for sharing the stunning beauty with us.

Will said...

Thank you all for your very kind comments.:)

Lucille - Yes they are a robin's eggs and, thankfully, they were not abandoned. The mother robin hopped out of her nest when the horses ran by so I popped over to take a picture while she was out...she was later back on the nest.

Emily - It might be me, but the link doesn't seem to go to any specific youtube video...maybe you could double check it.:)

Fred & Leon said...

Let me try this once more.

I hope it works!


Will said...

It's a slightly fancier version than the way I play it at the moment but definitely the same tune.:)

Thanks for the link.

Fred & Leon said...

Ok, good, because I was going to try and learn it before Van Vac. :)

Thanks for checking!


Cayla said...

I love that Robin's egg blue! We had a robin nesting in our front yard, but her three eggs disappeared one night last week. :(