Thursday, April 30, 2009


Kat said...

Ok. At-at-at the risk of repeating myself:
The color! The saturated red-brown of Tennessee. His forelock. The dusty blue of the steel barn, the green grass edging the bottom.
The composition! The curved lines of the horse's head, the logs of the corral crossing behind. Never was a horse's portrait taken so beautifully. I know I'm waxing, but I can't help it.
Greta is practicing her pony sound with this picture. It has gone from her original "Hhachhkk" (or something), to an attempt at the "brr" part of my "neeighhh, brr"...if you take my meaning. Way cute.

Fred & Leon said...

Wow! Katie is soooooo right about the coloring! It is absolutely striking!
