Monday, October 12, 2009

two inches this morning...

It froze so hard last Saturday and Sunday that the leaves in the yard didn't even get to change color this year. They all just fell off in a huge pile while they were still green.:)


Kat said...

Such lovely snowage!
Pity about the leaves. The ones on my street did that too. :)

Lucille said...

Is such early snow normal for where you live? And do you expect it to stay now?

Margaret Dashwood said...

Wowowow, that's unbelievable! That's a bummer about the leaves...we're getting beautiful colors here.:)

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

How sad that you went right to snow and didn't get to enjoy the changing colors of the leaves.


Will said...

Lucille - This has been an odd year in terms of the weather. It's not very unusual for it to snow this time of year but two inches is alot. One odd thing is that we normally would have light frost every once in a while starting in late August or early September. This year we didn't have any frost until last weekend and it has frozen hard every night since. I don't expect the snow to stay. By mid November it will be cold enough that the snow will last until March...hmmm, that seems like a long way off.