.Male Indigo Bunting
Lilac Blossoms
Welcome to Stream and Fencerow, I hope you enjoy my photos. All photos on this blog are copyrighted and the sole property of Stream and Fencrow. Unless otherwise noted, all photos on this blog are taken by Will. If you are interested in buying a print of any of my photos, drop me a line at wkjakobitz@gmail.com and we can work out the details. Thank you.
.Male Indigo Bunting
Lilac Blossoms
This Cottontail had been chewing up the string and carrying it off.
All photographs on this post were taken by Ben
Mallard Drake taking his "morning stretch"
Male Yellow-Rumped ("Myrtle") Warbler
Male Yellow Warbler
Palm Warbler
. Chipping Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
Male House Sparrow
Blue-Winged Teal Pair
Mallard Duck Nest